Sales & Service : 07848112114


Thermal Glazing Limited

Registered Office

2 Lakeside Drive, First Central 200, 6th Floor,
Park Royal, London NW10 7FQ,
United Kingdom


Kiosk 6, 11 The Arcade Magna shopping centre
Leicester road, Wigston Leicester
LE18 1NZ

By agreeing to this Quotation/agreement you are also consenting to your personal data being shared with third parties for the purpose of fulfilling the requirement of the competent person scheme for self-certification under the Building Regulations. Personal data includes title, name ,address,phone and email numbers, this data will be used provide essential documentation and will be retained on files for the lifetime of the guarantees which do not exceed 10 years.

Thermal Glazing

Registered Office
2 Lakeside Drive, First Central 200, 6th Floor,
Park Royal, London NW10 7FQ,
United Kingdom

Thermal Glazing

Kiosk 6, 11 The Arcade Magna shopping centre Leicester road, Wigston Leicester
LE18 1NZ